Thursday, February 11, 2016

Repurpose, Reuse and Recycle Your Content Marketing

There are a host of statistics saying that the more content you have online, the better it is for your business. Content helping you rank within search, creating awareness and driving new customers to your business. However, you may also be feeling the pressure to continually have to write and create more and more to keep up with this “demand”.  It’s often a problem to have a steady stream of quality blog posts, consisting of infographics or how-to guides. Creating them is time-consuming, let alone managing how you share those posts throughout your online marketing.

Answer the content demand, not by churning out more new content, but by repurposing content already created in a new way. This isn’t recreating the wheel (the original option is still doing pretty well), it’s taking a car tire and turning it into a bike tire or swing.

No longer post a piece of content and feel it’s done – after you hit publish (or even before), determine how you can use this piece of content again in a slightly different way, increasing your chance of converting viewers into customers.

Benefits of repurposing content

Repurposing content has many benefits from easing up your writing schedule to creating a more fluid online marketing experience for consumers. Just a few of these benefits are:

  • Turning an oldie into a goodie. There’s usually a few pieces of older content out there that you feel have not shown the benefits you think they could produce.  Taking that content, and re-creating it with a new voice or purpose, will extend its life and hopefully bring you longer term benefits.
  • Find a new audience. While your current audience responds well to your blog articles, imagine who else you could attract with visual content such as infographics or videos. Open your business up to new consumers by turning text into visuals or breaking things down into a simple checklist.
  • Boost your SEO. By taking your most popular piece of content and transforming it with optimized keywords and new additional content, you have the opportunity to boost your SEO and increase your ranking in search engines, thereby increasing your organic reach online.

Just remember, don’t let work go to waste. Putting together content takes a lot of time and effort, don’t let your effort go to waste by putting it out there once and never using it again. Find how you can repurpose content to be applicable in all aspects of your online marketing.

The pine trees of content

When it comes to repurposing content you can only do it with certain pieces of content, which are known as evergreen content. Evergreen content will always be relevant to your audience and can be repurposed over and over, continuing to be valuable and useful each time.

Evergreen content can be helpful when you want to repurpose content

An example of content that is not evergreen is our Google Mobile Update article. While this article was very relevant (and necessary) to the changes coming to small business websites and mobile responsiveness, once the change happened the article slowly lost its usability.

But our Social Media Content Calendar article is one that continues to be relevant to small businesses looking to manage their social media more effectively.

How to repurpose content

Now you know why you should repurpose content and what type of content can be repurposed, but actually repurposing it can seem a challenge at first, simply because you need to think out of the content box you’ve been working with. I’ve laid out 9 different ways to repurpose content for your local business online marketing.

1. Turn articles into guides

Once you write an article, especially a how-to, see if you can turn it into a guide or checklist for your consumers. You can create guides in PowerPoint or Google Slides so you don’t need any specialized software but can have more freedom in your page design (compared to Word or Google Docs). Take a look at our Social Cheat Sheet which gives 14 social post ideas. Throughout our blog you can find all of these ideas (although, not together), our guide combines all the knowledge we previously shared.

2. Turn webinars into SlideShares

Turn a presentation or webinar you’ve created into a SlideShare, all you need to do is save that presentation as a PDF. You can turn your one time use presentation into easy to access content on your SlideShare profile, LinkedIn profile and on your blog (by embedding your SlideShare into an article, like we did here).

3. Turn SlideShares into articles

When you have a SlideShare you can do one of two things, write an article based on the SlideShare or write an article with an introduction to the SlideShare and embed it into your blog. This gives people the information they are looking for in two different ways: text and visual. It also keeps more people on your website.

4. Turn visual content into Pinterest boards

I’ve spoken a lot about SlideShare, which is a network in and of itself, but your decks don’t only need to be shared on SlideShare, take that visual content and turn it into a Pinterest board. You can also create a specific header image for easy Pinterest shares and share all your articles on Pinterest.

5. Turn a Quora Q&A into an article

The content you repurpose doesn’t need to all be original works. Turn to a place like Quora, where people go to ask questions and receive answers from experts. Search for top questions in your industry and answer these questions in an article.

6. Turn a SlideShare into an infographic

SlideShares are easy to turn into a variety of different content pieces, especially since they usually focus on easy to comprehend ideas and include a lot of facts and statistics, the types of things that make up a great infographic. Turn these ideas into basically one slide of information.

7. Turn an infographic into a video

Once you have an infographic, turn it into a moving infographic, that uses the same information, but a slightly different format. Try a program like WideoMoovly or Powtoon to get started.

8. Turn a video into a podcast

Once you’ve created a video, think about making it into just audio, talking through points clearly and slowly (no fast talking). You can share these podcasts on your blog (in a short article), as well as on iTunes.

9. Turn blog articles into a newsletter

Once you have all these articles and pieces of content built up, share them in an email newsletter that your customers and new consumers can subscribe to and keep in contact with you, through.

Start getting the most value out of your content marketing by repurposing content. Keep these content variations in your back pocket and include them in a plan for evergreen topics that you are thinking of writing about or have already written about.

The best way to share your content is by using the LocalVox platform. With LocalVox your content will have a wide reach – from sites such as NearSay, to your social media followers and even through email. Get started on LocalVox and find out how it can benefit your content marketing strategy today!

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The post Repurpose, Reuse and Recycle Your Content Marketing appeared first on LocalVox.

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