I’ll start by saying this: I am officially obsessed with growth hacking these days.
I never thought of myself as a growth marketer, let alone a growth hacker. Maybe that’s because it’s a somewhat new concept -- or a new name for a classic concept, at least. But as a content creator, I’ve learned how imperative it is to know how to grow any sort of property, whether it’s a blog, a podcast, or a brand.
That might be what I love the most about the HubSpot Growth Stack, for example. It was built with the idea that every marketer stands to benefit from understanding how growth hacking works. But where do you learn this stuff?
A Google search for “growth hacking” yields a plethora of results. But as the term gains more popularity, filtering the results for the best resources becomes more difficult. Fear not -- we combed through these sites and narrowed them down to six of the most comprehensive resources. So start reading, and get ready to grow.
6 Websites Every Growth Hacker Should Bookmark
1) GrowthHackers

Let’s start with the obvious. When you want to learn how to grow, the URL “growthhackers.com” seems like a natural place to start. Its founder and CEO, Sean Ellis, was pretty much a “growth hacker” before that label was really a thing -- since 2008, he’s served in interim growth roles at companies like Eventbrite and Dropbox, helping them scale in their early stages.
GrowthHackers is a community of resources and experts that "helps teams unlock their company’s full growth potential." And it’s within that community section of the site where the greatest wealth of knowledge lives. From a forum of growth-related posts, to a section on growth case studies, to the Growth University, this destination is one of the most comprehensive growth hacking resources available online.
2) KISSmetrics

KISSmetrics is one of the leading analytics platforms that marketers use to obtain the data they need to grow. But beyond the product itself, the company provides a plethora of resources for growth hackers; for example, its blog and series of webinars.
The blog might be one of our favorites. Its entries are a mix of tactical content and great stories, like this one about how Calendly pulled off double-digit growth. Plus, if you’re looking for fundamental knowledge about any area of growth, KISSmetrics has organized these types of blog posts into collective academy guides. If you’re just getting started, we recommend checking out this catalogue of entries synthesized for the “The Basics of Analytics.”
3) Quick Sprout

Quick Sprout is largely the work of Neil Patel -- a name with which anyone even remotely involved with digital marketing is familiar. We like to call him a “growth rockstar” -- he founded the aforementioned KISSmetrics shortly after graduating from CSU Fullerton.
On Quick Sprout, Patel does growth consulting work and leads an online "university" on growing website traffic. It’s also home to one of his many valuable blogs, where he provides tips on conversion, marketing tech, and more. For a handy growth marketing crash course, check out this post on “How to Become an Innovative Growth Hacker in One Month.”
4) Coelevate

Brian Balfour is another growth expert who cut his teeth in the startup sector. In fact, he's been known to quote the words of investor Paul Graham: "Startups = Growth." And on Coelevate, he frequently pens essays about many topics under this umbrella, like “10 Reasons Why Companies Fail At Growth” and “Traction vs Growth.”
Balfour speaks with a unique skill set. In addition to serving as the co-founder of startups like Viximo and Boundless Learning -- which were both acquired -- he also worked in venture capital (VC) as an entrepreneur-in-residence. He views growth from the perspective of both the entrepreneur and the investor. In addition to his words on Coelevate, you can follow his insights on the blog for Reforge, his growth program creation business.
5) Andrewchen.co

Since its 2009 founding, one thing has been certain about Uber: It's experienced unequivocal brand growth. And it’s the kind of growth that can only be achieved with the right scale, which experts like Andrew Chen are brought on board to oversee.
And in addition to serving as Uber’s head of rider growth, Chen continues to share insights on his own website, Andrewchen.co. His knowledge stems from his experience, much like Balfour, as both an entrepreneur-in-residence in the VC sector, and as what he calls an "entrepreneur-out-of-residence" -- in both capacities, he’s helped to grow early-stage businesses like Barkbox and Tinder.
6) OkDork

Noah Kagan, the person behind growth blog OkDork, is one of those folks who’s so accomplished that we have to ask, "How many lives have you had?" Today, Kagan’s day job is “Chief Sumo” with the Sumo Group, the maker of tools to help companies grow website traffic. It’s the latest in a string of product launches and marketing successes he’s experienced, with brands ranging from Facebook to Mint.
Kagan calls OkDork a guide to "marketing, business musings, online communities and other things to kill time while you are at work." That community part is key. He invites readers to participate, comment, and exchange thoughts. And since its December 2016 debut, his podcast, "Noah Kagan Presents," also calls OKDork home. Check out “The 5 am Challenge” -- it happens to be one of this early riser’s favorite episodes.
Continual Growth
“Growth” can be a little bit of a big, scary term at first. Building and scaling a product or service from scratch might seem like something that requires the help of an expert, or a large team. But as these sites show -- that’s not the case. With the right approach, resources, and amount of experimentation, you can become a self-taught growth hacker.
From online communities to the HubSpot Growth Stack, you’ll be well on your way. But be patient -- you might have to use a combination of these resources and go back to them as you work your way through projects. That’s why we suggest you bookmark all of these sites. Growth takes time, but it’s more than possible.
What are your go-to growth hacking websites? Let us know in the comments.

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