Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Getting More Foot Traffic Through Retail Digital Marketing

Every industry can benefit from online marketing and should make it a top priority, but often times, especially when it comes to local business, new technology is not a high priority. For example, in a recent survey of retailers only 56% found digital marketing a priority to their overall business strategy.

Retail digital marketing gives your business the added exposure online, that can be focused in your area and in your market. Unlike print marketing where you hope you will reach your target market, digital marketing can connect you directly with consumers and connect consumers directly to your business online–sending them there in person.

Why does your business need retail digital marketing?

Find out why retail digital marketing needs to be a priority to your local retail business:

Keeping address and hours update

When a consumer is ready to go purchase from your store, they will go looking for your address and hours, but can they find it? Keep it updated on your website, Google My Business account (especially around holidays when hours may be limited or extended). Make sure your customers are never left guessing or driving to your competitor because when they got to your location you were closed, keep your information updated!

Creating a community

One of the key pieces of digital marketing is social media and it can also be one of the most intimidating because it also comes hand in hand with the idea that social media is time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Does talking to customers in your store feel time-consuming? Answering the phone when people call with a question? Social media is an extension of these ideas, mixed with a little bit of marketing. Create a schedule where you can share your message, but also respond and converse with consumers.

Get started with a social media content calendar with our free one that comes equipped with some helpful ideas.

Target your market

One of the biggest benefits of retail digital marketing is how you can truly target your market, down to the zip code you serve with online advertising.

Whether through AdWords or Facebook, targeting through online advertising platforms can connect you to relevant consumers in your community, city or neighborhood.

Take in feedback

How often do customers come up to you and tell you what is great about your store and where some areas of improvement are? Probably not that often, but online, consumers share their thoughts a bit more free form and give feedback that you may not have considered before.

By monitoring your social reputation, or what reviewers are saying about your retail location, you can take in feedback and respond to consumers who have had a great experience or a lackluster one at your location, thanking them for taking the time and aiming to help improve for the future.

Go hyper-local with apps

Often retail locations can have some really great deals that can drive traffic to their location, take advantage of that by going hyper-local through apps. Sharing your deals with local residents looking for deals through apps like Coupons.com, you can easily do this through LocalVox, which will syndicate your deal to coupon sites, connecting you to more consumers!

These aren’t the only perks of retail online marketing, but they will directly lead to more customers in your store.

Are you part of the 57% of retailers who list lack of budget as one of their biggest challenges to using digital advertising campaigns? The LocalVox platform is the answer for you! It combines all aspects of digital marketing to one easy to use dashboard, taking the work out of digital marketing for your local retail business. Get a demo of what it can do for your business today!

The post Getting More Foot Traffic Through Retail Digital Marketing appeared first on LocalVox.

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